Thursday, 19 September 2013

Presentation at Brooklyn iOS Meetup

I had the opportunity to put a presentation together for the Brooklyn iOS meetup recently and decided to do one based on 'Lessons Learned' from a self-taught stand point. I am an iOS developer largely self-taught and many things I learned along the way, I wish I had known earlier!

I think the meet-up has a range of people from lots of different experience levels and I wanted to engage all of them to also talk about what they've learned that they wish they knew earlier.

It went in a really cool direction with a lot of discussion around the tools people use. A lot of a developers power is in the tools they use and it seems like the iOS space is exploding with new and awesome tools to help you write apps more efficiently.

Here's the video of the presentation.

Also, a lot of tools were mentioned by audience members in the discussion following the presentation.. I'll mention here some of the tools I discussed and those mentioned by others:

Mentioned in presentation:

PaintCode, CocoaPods, AFNetworking, HockeyApp, TestFlight, RestKit(verdict: avoid), and MagicalRecord.

Mentioned in discussion:

iExplorer, Reveal, ImageOptim, Crashlytics, Pop, and Envision.

Saturday, 14 September 2013

GoFest Released!

My first app released to the App Store, GoFest was released today.

You can find it there here.

It feels pretty good! GoFest is an app for beer festivals and will be hosting it's first festival in 2 weeks at New Orleans on Tap.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Metadata Rejected!

Rejection feels horrible doesn't it? It feels even worse when you could have avoided it so easily!

I submitted my first iOS app, GoFest, to iTunes Connect last week and just got notice back yesterday that it's been rejected because of it's metadata. What does this mean? Well, in my particular case, it's because I submitted my 4" retina screenshots were taken on a device running iOS 7. Doh! The app itself targets iOS 6, but because the phone I took the screenshots on was running iOS 7, they're not accepted.

I wish I had lots of devices around running all the various iOS versions available.. but alas, I do not. So, retake the screenshots. Resubmit.